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论文关键词:工程施工信息管理 施工管理信息系统 项目信息门户 地理信息系统
Key words: the construction information management of project information portal construction management information system of geographic information system
Abstract: this paper introduces in detail the characteristics and classification of the information construction, clear the importance of information construction, information construction were proposed in the paper the necessity of scientific and efficient management, finally introduces in detail the construction of information management in the practical work of commonly used three kinds of information platform, respectively is the engineering construction management information system based on database, based on the information sharing and collaborative work of project information portal and is characterized by spatial modeling and analysis of geographic information system.
Information engineering construction as the construction of the foundation and basis of all management work, involves many links, multi-channel, many departments and professional, in order to make the management work normally and orderly, must get the timely and accurate information, and carries on the scientific management of information, realize the function and value of information. The traditional information management is mainly rely on manual or mechanical methods, and these methods have been unable to deal with modern society source widely, a huge number, various forms of information construction, the construction information management today with the rapid development of computer, communication and Internet technology to information management, has been a lot of research achievements and is widely used in engineering practice.
  1 工程施工信息管理概述
1 summary of project construction information management
From raw materials procurement, construction, construction to the final construction completed, involve wide, assist relationship is complex, so time will produce large amounts of data and information. Information engineering construction involves government, owner, design unit, construction contractors and supervision units to each department, such as the sources of information including the internal information and external information engineering construction project, the internal information engineering construction projects at various stages, each link, each participation units produced by the total information, such as project summary, design documents, conference system, the construction cost, schedule, quality, target control and so on various aspects of information. External information including national relevant policies and regulations, market price index, new technology, new material, such as money market change information. Engineering construction of the various forms of information, including digital data information and document files, pictures, drawings, etc can't fully digital information, such as survey, design drawings, contract, statistical reports, work instructions, inspection, etc. [1]
Implementation during the process of information construction is the construction schedule, cost, quality and target control and the basis of the basis, without the support of information, control can't work properly and orderly. Due to construction activity involves multiple departments, exchanges and cooperation between departments need sufficient information as support, the use of information to guide the construction to make scientific and rational decisions.
Construction information management in order to effective development, exploitation and control coordination construction information, improve the correctness of the information, accuracy and efficiency, the use of modern information technology for information management of the various activities, such as using perception and recognition technology of information acquisition, communication and access to information technology, information transmission, calculation and intelligent technology to the cognitive and regeneration, control and execution of information display technology, realize the construction of information utility and value. Information through various technical means through artificial processing has its specific value and role, and become the information resource, and enterprise organization activities people, goods, content has the physical forms such as resources, determine the normal operation and the future development of construction enterprises, in order to control the four goals of project construction, the construction of information management plays an important role. In order to achieve the goal of construction enterprise information management, information management, first break down the overall goal of the information management work, find a way to achieve these goals, develop a plan of the various points, guidance and coordination of construction activities, to achieve information management of the planning function. Second, information management, operation and maintenance of information system to be formed, provide service for construction enterprise management, realize information management of the organization functions. Then, in order to achieve the goal of construction enterprise, construction management personnel to guide and affect all the staff involved, to achieve its leadership role. Finally, in order to implement the construction of enterprise information management work plan and achieve the ultimate goal, to work on measurement, evaluation, action, etc so as to realize the control function of information management.
  2 工程施工管理信息平台
2 project construction management information platform
The complexity and importance of information construction for the construction of enterprise information management level put forward higher requirements, a computer, Internet, database, geographic information system technology such as the rapid development of led engineering construction information management modernization gradually. Here introduced that is commonly used in engineering construction practice of engineering construction management information system based on database, based on the information sharing and collaborative work of project information portal and is characterized by spatial modeling and analysis of geographic information system three kind of information platform.
  2.1 施工管理信息系统 施工管理信息系统(CMIS)是指借助电子计算机技术,收集、存储、传递和处理所需要的施工信息,为施工组织设计、规划和决策提供各种信息服务的计算机辅助管理系统。[2]系统首先要建立其信息源,也称中央数据库,将整理好的基本公共数据如定额依据、资源单价和招标投标信息等和工程施工初始数据如预算数据、网络计划、外部信息、施工实时信息和投标依据等输入中央数据库。然后利用这些数据编制施工预算和施工进度计划,从而实现对施工成本、进度、质量和合同的控制,这四大控制作为系统的四个子系统,与中央数据库之间进行数据的传递和交换,集成和共享收集到的数据。系统的开发经历系统规划、分析、设计和实施四个阶段,每个阶段都有其相应的主要目标和活动。
2.1 construction management information system of construction management information system (CMIS) refers to with the aid of electronic computer technology, collection, storage, transfer and processing required for construction of the information, for the construction organization design, planning and decision-making provides a variety of computer aided management information service system. System [2], first of all, to build its information source, also known as a central database, and will arrange good basic public data such as tendering quota unit price basis, resources and information and other and engineering construction initial data, such as budget data, network planning, real-time information and external information, construction bidding according to the input, such as the central database. Then use these data to prepare the budget construction and construction schedule plan, so as to realize the construction cost, schedule, quality and control of the contract, the four control as a system of four subsystems, and a central database for data transfer and exchange, integration and sharing of the data collected. System development experience system planning, analysis, design and implementation of four stages, each stage has its corresponding main objectives and activities
System development design mainly around the following three functions: public infrastructure systems, security systems and business functions. Common base system is to provide project management with project general information. Security system is a kind of auxiliary system, through a variety of conditions constraints make it make the system runs normally and orderly and continuously development. Business functions of system by engineering quality management system, technical system, business system, material system, security system and administrative system of six modules, is the core of construction management information system.
  2.2 施工项目信息门户 项目信息门户(PIP)是基于互联网技术,在对项目实施过程中参与各方产生的信息和知识进行集中式处理的基础上,以项目为中心对项目信息进行有效的组织和管理,设置个性化的用户界面和用户权限,为项目各参与方在互联网平台上提供一个获取项目信息的安全、高效的信息单一入口和沟通环境。按照项目信息门户的运行模式将其分为以下两种类型:PSWS模式(专用门户)和ASP模式(公用门户)。项目信息门户提供的主要功能有:桌面管理、文档管理、工作流管理、项目通信和讨论、任务管理、网站管理、电子商务、在线录像等。
2.2 construction project information portal and project information portal (PIP) is based on Internet technology, the parties involved in the project implementation process of information and knowledge, on the basis of centralized processing, centered on project to project information for effective organization and management, set up a personalized user interface and user permissions, for the various project participants on the Internet platform to provide a safe and efficient access to project information single entry of information and communication environment. According to the operation mode of the project information portal will be divided into the following two types: the PSWS mode (portal) and ASP (public portal). Project information portal provides the main functions are: desktop management, document management, workflow management and project communication and discussion, task management, site management, e-commerce, online video, etc.
With the gradual expansion of the current construction projects, the information in the construction process of large number, the type of information is very complex, source of information widely scattered, storage, and large construction project implementation process there are a lot of uncertain factors, lead to project information is in constant change, the information of the application environment is very complex, and the introduction of project information portal can well solve the above problem. System of the implementation of the work to take independent development and purchase of commercial information platform with the combination of patterns, comprehensive consideration of economic, management, purposes and methods of system implementation and other factors. Implementation work preparation stage of the application system demand analysis product selection, survey project and analysis of user requirements, organizational project management body of knowledge and information technology training. Implementation stage is mainly design and external application interface, collect data, to purchase needed equipment, break down the project structure, classifying information, organize information collection, analysis, organization process, and organize the system's overall training and information sharing and exchange of knowledge training. Installation configuration phase is mainly software installation and configuration, assembly and configuration of hardware, the determination of department, writing system, implementation of the manual and the information management system, and system management and user training of the operation. Commissioning and commissioning stage of secondary development is mainly to determine department, writing implement, modify and adjust system manuals, and organize the user operations and training work. Comprehensive implementation stage is mainly the operation and maintenance of software and hardware facilities, the implementation of monitoring and control system, carry out information management system, and solve the problems of the implementation process of and guidance, the comprehensive evaluation and continuous improvement system. [3]
Project information portal for information communication have become a focus of storing and sharing, and application of project information portal, the digital information storage, relative concentration of the data storage, processing and transformation of the procedural information process, make the information transmission process of the electronic and digital, and make the information retrieval more convenient, improve the transparency of information, is advantageous to the project information retrieval and query, improve the accuracy of the data processing and data transmission, anti-interference ability, and ultimately improve the efficiency, reduce cost, improve the market competitiveness of enterprises, improve the economic and social benefits of the project, so you should pay attention to the construction and implementation of project information portal.
  2.3 施工地理信息系统 地理信息系统(GIS)是在计算机软硬件的支持下对各种地理空间信息进行采集、存储、检索、综合分析和可视化表达的信息处理和管理系统,是一种地学空间数据与计算机技术相结合,为地理研究和地理决策提供服务的新型空间信息技术。地理信息系统在多个领域迅速发展并发挥着越来越重要的作用,基于地理信息系统的施工管理系统也得到了广泛重视和应用。[4]施工地理信息系统处理的数据包括建筑物的位置、地下管线的布局等空间地理数据和建筑物的结构类型、管径等空间信息所对应的属性数据。系统具有以下几种功能:数据输入、图层、文字和点样式的管理、查询分析、施工控制和系统维护。建筑施工过程中遇到的许多难题如:建筑物的分布、道路和地下管线的布局等,通过与地理信息系统的结合可以有效、合理并快速的的解决这些问题。例如,利用地理信息系统技术特有的空间分析及可视化表达功能,可以扩展和优化决策支持系统、可视会议等新技术的图形查询和空间信息管理能力,从而实现对施工管理和进度控制的辅助。在建筑施工安全管理方面,地理信息系统技术为施工管理部门提供了一直有力且高效的管理手段,如将管辖区域内的施工项目显示在地图上,定位查询施工项目,对施工现场实施安全监管工作。
2.3 construction of geographic information system, geographic information system (GIS) is supported by computer hardware and software for a variety of geographic space information acquisition, storage, retrieval, comprehensive analysis, and visualization expression of information processing and management system, is a land spatial data combined with computer technology, to provide services for geographic research and geographic decision-making space for new information technology. Geographic information system in multiple areas rapid development and playing an increasingly important role in the construction management system based on geographic information system has been widely attention and application. [4] construction of geographic information system data processing as well as the position of buildings, underground pipeline layout space such as geographical data and building structure type, diameter, etc. Spatial information of the attribute data. System has the following functions: data input, layer, text and point style management, query and analysis, construction control and system maintenance. Many problems encountered in the course of construction, such as: the layout of the distribution of the buildings, roads and underground pipelines, etc., combining with geographic information system can be effective, reasonable and fast to solve these problems. For example, the characteristic of the spatial analysis using geographic information system technology and visualization expression function, can be extended and the optimization decision support system, new technologies such as videoconferencing graphical query and spatial information management ability, so as to realize the auxiliary construction management and schedule control. In terms of building construction safety management, geographic information system technology for the construction management department provides a powerful and effective management means, such as the construction projects within the jurisdiction area shown on the map the location query construction projects, and implement safety supervision on construction site.

