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AutoCAD 2008 3D Modeling workbook for Dummies(英文版)

  • 资料大小:7.75 MB
  • 运行环境:NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
  • 资料语言:简体中文
  • 资料评级
  • 授权形式:资料共享
  • 更新时间:2011-07-11 10:42
  • 发布作者:小番茄要炒鸡蛋~
  • 插件情况 无插件,请放心使用
  • 文件类型 RAR
  • 解压密码:civilcn.com
  • 安全检测 瑞星 江民 卡巴斯基 金山
AutoCAD 2008 3D Modeling workbook for Dummies(英文版)
介绍: 摘录 Although AutoCAD is primarily thought of as a CAD application used for 2D designs, it has a powerful 3D modeling engine that allows you to create 3D models of buildings or small parts used in a machine. 3D modeling in AutoCAD was introduced over a decade ago with AutoCAD R13 (and even before that as an add-on called Autodesk Modeling Extension for AutoCAD R12),but creating 3D models was very time consuming. In recent releases of AutoCAD, the 3D modeling features have been completely overhauled to allow conceptual designing in AutoCAD and to create high-quality presentation renderings with less effort....
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AutoCAD 2008 3D Modeling workbook for Dummies(英文版)