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AutoCAD 2011 for Dummies(英文版)

  • 资料大小:9.36 MB
  • 运行环境:NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
  • 资料语言:简体中文
  • 资料评级
  • 授权形式:资料共享
  • 更新时间:2011-07-11 10:47
  • 发布作者:小番茄要炒鸡蛋~
  • 插件情况 无插件,请放心使用
  • 文件类型 RAR
  • 解压密码:civilcn.com
  • 安全检测 瑞星 江民 卡巴斯基 金山
AutoCAD 2011 for Dummies(英文版)
介绍: 摘录 David’s experience as a technical writer and AutoCAD user and educator is unmistakable in AutoCAD 2011 For Dummies. He doesn’t just describe AutoCAD tools — he describes the processes in which you can use them most-efficiently. David does a fantastic job of integrating powerful AutoCAD functionality such as named page setups, annotation scaling, and parametric constraints into the standard workflow for “beginning” AutoCAD users. Even veteran AutoCAD users can learn from AutoCAD 2011 For Dummies with a willingness to explore newer methods they may have previously overlooked.
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AutoCAD 2011 for Dummies(英文版)